Topic : Second coming

So you also must be ready. The Son of Man will come at a time when you don't expect him.

Matthew 24:44

We should think about each other to see how we can encourage each other to show love and do good works.
We must not quit meeting together, as some are doing. No, we need to keep on encouraging each other. This becomes more and more important as you see the Day getting closer.

Hebrews 10:24-25

Jesus is the one who says that all of this is true. Now he says, "Yes, I am coming soon." Amen! Come, Lord Jesus!

Revelation 22:20

"So always be ready. You don't know the day your Lord will come.

Matthew 24:42

The time is near when all things will end. So keep your minds clear, and control yourselves. This will help you in your prayers.

1 Peter 4:7

Yes, my dear children, live in him. If we do this, we can be without fear on the day when Christ comes back. We will not need to hide and be ashamed when he comes.

1 John 2:28

The Lord God says, "I am the Alpha and the Omega. I am the one who is, who always was, and who is coming. I am the All-Powerful."

Revelation 1:8

"Listen, I am coming soon! I will bring rewards with me. I will repay everyone for what they have done.

Revelation 22:12

"Be careful of false prophets. They come to you and look gentle like sheep. But they are really dangerous like wolves.

Matthew 7:15

But don't forget this one thing, dear friends: To the Lord a day is like a thousand years, and a thousand years is like a day.

2 Peter 3:8

I am sure that the good work God began in you will continue until he completes it on the day when Jesus Christ comes again.

Philippians 1:6

They were staring into the sky where he had gone. Suddenly two men wearing white clothes were standing beside them.
They said, "Men from Galilee, why are you standing here looking into the sky? You saw Jesus carried away from you into heaven. He will come back in the same way you saw him go."

Acts 1:10-11

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